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Cannabis Simple Syrup: The Key To Making a Killer THC-infused Drink

Cannabis Simple Syrup: The Key To Amazing Cannabis Drinks


Cannabis Simple Syrup: The Key To Making a Killer THC-infused Drink

The key to making a killer THC-infused beverage is to start by making your own cannabis simple syrup. Once you’ve got a bottle of homemade cannabis simple syrup you can use it to add a little dose of THC to your favorite drink.

Cannabis Simple Syrup

One of the best things about cannabis is that there are pretty much endless ways to consume it. From smoking to vaping to eating them in edibles you’ve got tons of options. And one of the most interesting ways to do it is to create cannabis infused drinks. The key to making a killer THC-infused beverage is to start by making your own cannabis simple syrup.

Once you’ve got a bottle of homemade cannabis simple syrup you can use it to add a little dose of THC to your favorite drink. Spike your morning coffee or tea, make a glass of lemonade, mix it into a smoothie, or cool off after a day of work with a canna-cocktail.

Whatever you end up making, this recipe for cannabis simple syrup needs to be your starting place.

Here’s What You Need

  • 3 cups of filtered water
  • 3 cups of fine granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin (you can find this at your local health food store)
  • 2 grams of finely chopped or ground cannabis
  • A jar, bottle, or some other container
  • Strainer and/or cheesecloth

How To Make Cannabis Simple Syrup

Cannabis Simple Syrup: The Key To Amazing Cannabis Drinks


Step 1

Put the water and sugar into a pot. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar is fully dissolved.

Step 2

Once the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is boiling, add the cannabis. Cover the pot and let it boil gently for 20 minutes.

This is probably the most important step of the entire process. That’s because the heat will decarboxylate the cannabis.

Decarboxylation is the process that activates the THC—the stuff you’re trying to get out of the cannabis and into the syrup.

You don’t want the liquid to get so hot it boils over, as this could end up damaging some of the THC. Instead, you want to maintain a nice gentle boil. This will activate all the THC without damaging anything.

Step 3

After it boils for 20 minutes, reduce the temperature. Now add the vegetable glycerin and let the entire thing simmer for 5 to 6 minutes.

Every minute or so, remove the lid and stir the mixture.

Step 4

Very carefully pour the hot syrup through your strainer or cheesecloth and into whatever container you’re keeping the syrup in.

Be sure you’ve strained out all the plant matter, and that you’ve gotten all the syrup into your jar.

Go slowly with this step and be careful not to burn yourself or spill any of your syrup.

Step 5

Let the syrup cool. The mixture will reduce throughout the process, and at this point, you should have somewhere around 3 cups of finished syrup.

You can now use your cannabis simple syrup to add a little sweetness and a nice dose of THC to your favorite drink. Enjoy!

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